Contributed by Robert Sheaf, Founder of CFC Industrial Training In this month’s troubleshooting challenge, we deal with a lifting a bent plate from a steel plate bending press machine. The accumulator safety unloading valve was damaged and the magnet on the plate lifting crane failed (see circuit attached). They repaired the crane magnet and replaced…
Exhausted actuators can finally breathe with the ERDP Remote Drive
The ERDP Remote Drive is a closed-loop system that captures energy and enables more efficient designs. Air leakage is an accepted challenge in pneumatics applications. It is considered unintentional and requires maintenance and continuous monitoring. However, pneumatic systems are also designed for frequent intentional air releases as part of regular operation, which exhausts usable energy […]
How do seal geometries affect performance?
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Let’s start by stating the obvious: seal geometries matter, or the fluid power realm would use only geometrically simple O-rings. The other two critical factors for effective seal performance are polymer composition and a machined groove to call home. However, even considering the latter, a seal geometry of the same […]
A review of push-to-connect pneumatic fittings
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Push-to-connect fittings are a staple in pneumatic systems worldwide. Earlier pneumatic compression fittings using nuts and sleeves were more complicated and fussy, with no standard between manufacturers to allow interchangeability. If you needed to replace a sleeve, for example, you were often limited to a few manufacturers offering the same […]
How do you prevent microbes in hydraulic oil?
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Microbes aren’t the most common contaminant in hydraulic oil, but they do become a problem when conditions are ripe for their proliferation. Anaerobic bacteria of various forms are the most common to be found within hydraulic fluid, although it’s not unheard of to see fungi (molds and yeasts) in very […]
7 reasons why you should use draw-wire encoders
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor A draw-wire encoder (also known as a cable extension transducer or string potentiometer) is ideal for measuring linear displacement (distance) in a variety of applications where precise position is required. A draw-wire encoder uses a wire or cable wound around a spool, connected to a rotary encoder or potentiometer housed […]
MarQuipt uses Eckart E3 helical spline actuators for safe, easy lifting
Hallie Riley and Victoria Lower of IC-Fluid Power explain how Eckart E3 actuators are used in MarQuipt’s davits and cranes. MarQuipt is a marine and yachting equipment manufacturer specializing in products that facilitate easy and safe boarding of persons and the handling of tenders. Its product line comprises stairs, ladders, gangways, davits, cranes, and other […]
Linear hydraulic snubber ensures controlled movements on mining shovel bucket doors
Open Loop Energy Inc. was founded more than 30 years ago as a hydraulic repair business for mining and construction machinery in the Southwest United States. But the company soon saw a need to manufacture a very specific component used on the bucket doors of the massive shovels used in these applications. Critical yet often […]
Festo officially launches its VTEP proportional valve terminal
Festo has officially introduced the VTEP, which it says is the world’s first proportional valve terminal, to the U.S. market. The VTEP is suitable for flexible gripping, web tensioning, force-controlled polishing, precision piloting, dispensing, dosing, and diaphragm pump control. This solution was discussed in our article on linear motion technologies in August, where the company […]
How electrified controls simplify hydraulic machines
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Hydraulics is a venerable technology as mature as any competing force transfer system outside of straight mechanical conveyance. Most recent hydraulic advancements aren’t from any fundamental changes in the pump, valves and actuators used in hydraulic systems but rather from the implementation of increasingly advanced electronic technology. Early fluid power […]
Festo brings controlled pneumatics to the U.S. with digital closed-loop control
Last week, Festo introduced its Controlled Pneumatics, a digital closed-loop control strategy for delivering energy efficiency, high dynamic response, and precision movement. Controlled Pneumatics is a suitable solution for web tensioning; welding; surface processing; flexible gripping, including vacuum gripping; dispensing and pumping; PET bottle blowing; and diaphragm pump control. See a technical overview on how […]
When should you use welded or bolted flange connection systems?
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor There are three ways to plumb a hydraulic system — rigid systems, flexible systems or a combination of the two. Rigid systems include pipe and various forms of tube, while flexible systems are assembled using only hydraulic hose. Most machines today are created using a combination of fixed plumbing, where […]
Continental launches X-Life XCP5 premium flexible braided hydraulic hose
Continental today announced the X-LifeTM XCP5 hose, a new flexible braided hose for high-pressure hydraulic applications requiring extra abrasion resistance. The hose is part of the company’s initiative to offer a premium braided hose portfolio that is also ISO 18752 compliant. The new X-Life XCP5 is designed as a premium hose with braided construction for […]
Hydraulic oil analysis part 7 – additives keep fluids performing optimally
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor Although a hydraulic machine could run off highly crude forms of hydrocarbons, without a complement of additives, the performance and longevity of your hydraulic machine would suffer. Welcome to Part Seven of the Hydraulic Oil Analysis series, where we dig deep into the various additives that are always or usually […]
OVPN multistage pneumatic vacuum generator for porous materials
Festo has expanded its vacuum generation solutions to include for the first time a multistage generator and a multistage cartridge. These new vacuum components offer exceptional performance on porous materials, such as paper and corrugated board. The OVPN multistage vacuum generator and the OASP vacuum generator cartridge are ideal for such applications as overhead palletizing, […]
Can we see the forest for the trees?
Forestry has a bad rap for devastating ecosystems now lined with dusty stumps where lush foliage and wildlife used to exist. The imagery is saddening and requires an examination of conscience and behavior. Through a different lens, however, the forestry industry can be seen as an ally against future deforestation. Companies that want to make…
Norwegian fisheries rely on liquid ring vacuum pumps for packaging
Norway has a long tradition of catching and processing fish. The country ranks second in the world for exports behind China. To ensure the high quality of their freshly caught products, Norwegians pay particular attention to an unbroken cold chain. One company that contributes to a high level of food safety is Atlantic Styro. Based […]
Festo’s new VTUX valve terminal boasts modular design for flexible use
Festo introduced the new VTUX flagship valve terminal, which can serve as I/O, remote I/O, and decentralized I/O. These compact and rugged IP65/67-rated terminals can be located anywhere on a machine that boosts operational performance and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) installation productivity. VTUX modularity results in less inventory and lower overhead costs. VTUX is both […]
Parker Hannifin highlights new Force Command EHA technology
As at most mobile machinery shows this September, Parker Hannifin showcased a variety of technologies to ensure efficient, powerful mining machines. Newest on display, though, was its Force Command electrohydraulic linear actuator. This new EHA features a brushless dc motor with integrated controller and absolute position sensing, giving users full control over the toughest and […]
Where does built-in hydraulic contamination come from?
By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor When I sat in my first fluid power class 18 years ago, I remember learning about built-in contamination and how the reservoir was the biggest offender. The welds and their slag were the biggest problems, the teacher stated, but a close second was the debris from pipe threading machines. Looking […]
Fail-safe locking device can hold four million pounds
Fluid power engineers are familiar with hydraulic load-holding or counterbalance valves that prevent sudden load drops and control descent speed. Such valves ensure smooth, stable operation and provide a safety mechanism in mobile and industrial machinery. The downside is they can fail due to wear, incorrect positioning, or failures in the hydraulic system. Pennsylvania-based York […]
Are we looking at electrification through rose-colored glasses?
Electrification is totally in vogue these days. You can’t visit any type of off-highway event and not be overtaken by this trend. The need to reduce emissions is 100% necessary and a noble deed. But are battery-powered machines the only realistic solution? In some cases, the answer is a resounding YES! Compact machinery such as […]
Pack Expo Chicago is ready for record numbers
The world’s largest packaging and processing show returns to Chicago’s McCormick Place November 3-6. Pack Expo International, scheduled for Nov. 3–6 at McCormick Place in Chicago, is set to be the largest packaging and processing show worldwide for 2024. According to PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, the industry’s growth underscores the need […]
Unlocking the potential of spin-on filters
By Donald Krause, Industry Consultant, Ohio Fabricators Company Exploring the basics of spin-on filters: design and functionality Spin-on filters have cemented their position as a cornerstone of liquid filtration and tank breather applications, thanks to their unique design and operational efficiencies. These filters consist of a self-contained housing and filter element assembly, which facilitates straightforward […]
Hydraulics ensures smooth sailing for workboat operations
Hydraulics continue to be used heavily in marine applications, as they offer the power density, safety and shock resistance needed in these environments. By Josh Cosford, Contributing Editor If you’re fortunate enough to own any variation of recreational watercraft, or if you’ve been lucky enough to sail an ocean in a colossal cruise ship, you’re…