The IFPS recently held its 2020 Annual Meeting like most other organizations – virtually!
Meeting virtually was not the same as meeting in person — still, the board of directors, education, marketing, membership and certification committee members worked on projects to help IFPS members and to educate and certify professionals in the industry.
Projects for 2021 will include:
- The Upgraded Mobile Hydraulic Mechanic certification is in its final stages for development. Keep your eyes out for an exciting upgrade to the MHM certification program developed for today’s mobile hydraulic mechanics. Areas of the Study Manual that were added and improved:
- Principles of operation explained for commonly found components within a mobile hydraulic system – pumps, valves, actuators, and accessories
- Color-coded cutaway illustrations of hydraulic components to aid in understanding operation
- Symbology updated to conform to ISO 1219 standard
- Expanded content on troubleshooting to include decision-tree aids
- Detailed content on pressure, flow, and directional control valves
- Improved graphics throughout and many real-life photos to assist in visualization
- Basic hydraulic calculations useful in troubleshooting
- Safety tips
- Basic principles of electrohydraulic control – open loop and closed loop
- Electrohydraulic valves
- Sensors used in electrohydraulic systems
Mentorship Program – a subcommittee was formed to explore mentorship opportunities and investigate the prospect of a Mentorship Program. Any IFPS member may join in this exploration.
- Non-technical / Associate Certification – a subcommittee was formed to begin writing a study manual for a non-specialist certification for those who communicate fluid power information, such as product part numbers, standard options, promotions, and available services. Fluid Power Associate certification will require a written test. This Certification will be geared toward inside sales, customer service, parts personnel, clerical and support staff, and entry level positions. Candidates could have no or minimal fluid power knowledge/experience; however prior basic hydraulic/pneumatic education/training is recommended. This subcommittee is seeking active certified professionals to volunteer for technical writing.
- Fluid Power Symbols Library – a subcommittee was formed to investigate the possibility of offering our fluid power symbols library to our members.
Contact if you would like to get involved on a committee or a shorter-term subcommittee (both meet via conference call a few times per year.)
Filed Under: News