Leading in a changing industry
As we prepare to head to Las Vegas in March for IFPE and CONEXPO-CON/AGG, it’s clear to see we’re at a crossroads in our industry. Mobile electrification, digitalization, and autonomy are all changing the way mobile machinery is controlled and powered. Fluid power needs to be there leading these changes.
We recognize that our readers are not just attending the biggest show in the construction business and fluid power space in North America for fun — you want to learn from both the OEMs and the technology manufacturers to see what’s new, what’s on the horizon, and how component and system advances will impact your designs in the future.
In this special digital edition, we bring this all together. Here, you’ll find a complete exhibitor list for all CONEXPO-CON/AGG booths, a look at some trends and, of course, some basics on key fluid power technologies that give mobile machinery the power, control, and reliability to build our future.
This first-ever, special edition is just one piece of our IFPE coverage puzzle. Last month, we kicked off our coverage with some special features in the December issue, including a story about what’s new in Vegas — so if you missed it, be sure to read it now. We also launched our Road to IFPE series of e-newsletters and videos as we count down to the show kickoff on March 14th. And of course, our February issue will be chock full of all the critical IFPE details you need to know in one place — show map, full exhibitor list, and show preview — including in-depth looks at the education sessions, trends updates on key fluid power technologies, and highlights on mobile machinery developments.
As we send out this digital edition, we’ll be less than 40 days to IFPE and CONEXPO-CON/AGG. We’re preparing our booth, which will be one of the first you’ll see as you come up the excavators into the South Hall. Please stop by booth SL80022 in the lobby to see all we will be spotlighting — and stay tuned for our February issue, when I will give some more insights into our booth highlights.
We at Fluid Power World are all excited to gather together again at IFPE and CONEXPO-CON/AGG and can’t wait to meet our readers there, as well. See you all in Vegas!
Mary C. Gannon • Editor-in -Chief
On Twitter @FPW_marygannon
Filed Under: Digital Issues