The complex shapes created by powder compacting presses rely on hydraulic power and precise motion control. Contributed by Fred Babson, Business Development Manager, Delta Computer Systems Inc. Powder compacting presses are typically used to form complex shapes from metallic, ceramic or other powdered materials that are hardened after compression via a high-temperature sintering process. In…
Delta Computer adds European sales office
Motion control manufacturer Delta Computer Systems Inc., Battle Ground, Wash., announced that it has established a sales office in the United Kingdom under the direction of Delta’s European Sales Manager, Dr. Tim Gessner. Dr. Gessner was appointed to the European Sales Manager position in July of 2017. The sales office, Delta Motion Ltd., will operate…
Electrohydraulic control smooths sawmill performance
When an application calls for high forces and heavy loads, hydraulics is usually the choice, but motion controllers provide the necessary precision and safety. By Richard Meyerhoefer, International Sales Manager, Delta Computer Systems, Battle Ground, Wash. Hydraulics is the go-to technology when applications demand high forces and equipment must lift heavy loads. But it is…