A scrap processing company has a large rotating drum that pushes scrap aluminum components into rotating hammers to pulverize the scrap parts into small pieces. They then press the scrap into large bales for easy shipping.
The attached circuit is one of the hydraulic systems that runs three functions on the machine. They had problems with one system overheating. They assumed that one of the cylinders was by-passing, so they replaced both cylinders. Then they decided to replace the counterbalance valve.
Throughout all of this, they were troubleshooting without a circuit. They did find one after the service man they called in insisted he needed it to troubleshoot the system.
What do you think he found the problem to be?
Can you identify what was the problem? We welcome responses of all kinds directly to Robert Sheaf at rjsheaf@cfc-solar.com or to mgannon@wtwhmedia.com. The solution will be provided next month, in conjunction with our December 2022 issue.
After finding the circuit drawing on the drum pusher system which was overheating, the service technician found that the unloader valve was stuck in the shifted position and both filter elements were missing. To solve the problem, both filter indicator switches were disconnected at the terminal strip to keep the machine from shutting down.
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