Is AI ready to take on engineering? A few weeks ago, my youngest daughter had a fever for a week so my older girls turned to Google to learn more. They panicked, as Google’s AI summary said a 104° F fever is cause to rush to the ER. But I knew better, so showed them…
December 2024 Issue: 2024 Fluid Power Handbook
Easier access to more of our content Every other month, readers of Fluid Power World have access to our beautiful print and digital editions, where we share a selection of the best fundamentals content, technology news, case studies, and technical articles that cover the gamut of hydraulics and pneumatics system design. But we only have…
October 2024 Issue: Smooth sailing with hydraulics
Are we looking at electrification through rose-colored glasses? Electrification is totally in vogue these days. You can’t visit any type of off-highway event and not be overtaken by this trend. The need to reduce emissions is 100% necessary and a noble deed. But are battery-powered machines the only realistic solution? In some cases, the answer is a resounding…
August 2024 Issue: Sustainability takes the wheel in mining
Are we designing our way into a skills vacuum? My father was from Ireland, and I’ve spent many a summer enjoying all this beautiful country has to offer. I am now introducing my own children to the joys of a couple of weeks spent in simpler pleasures — long walks along the bay hunting for…
June 2024 Issue: Six tips for maintaining hydraulics in lumber processing
Where are we headed — recession or a boon? I’VE ALWAYS BEEN A BELIEVER in selffulfilling prophecies. If economists keep telling the world we’re heading for recession, businesses and individuals will tighten their purse strings, the market will respond, and we will experience recession. For the past year or two, that’s exactly what’s been happening.…
April 2024 Issue: What’s in the cards for leakage?
Introducing our blockbuster issues If you notice a theme throughout this copy of Fluid Power World, you’re not imagining things. With this April issue, we are introducing a new concept to our readers — blockbuster issues that take a trend in fluid power and examine it from several angles. A few years ago, Paul Heney,…
February 2024 Issue: Autonomous Machine Revives Stone Walls
Proper conditioning isn’t just for athletes Last week, my 14-year-old daughter suffered what could be a season-ending injury during one of her basketball games. After doctor visits and an MRI, we learned she luckily only had a bruise to her AC joint — thankfully, no ligaments were involved so no surgery — but the pain…
December 2023 Issue: Hydraulics powers through waste
What’s old is new again Many moons again, when I was perhaps a sophomore in high school, a small group of us students started our school’s first ever environmental and recycling club. We were going to do big things and change the world. Oh, the lofty goals of a 15 year-old idealist! I don’t know…
October 2023 Issue: Eco-friendly shipping is possible with EALS
Are pneumatics at risk of becoming obsolete? Last month, I had the pleasure of attending Pack Expo in Las Vegas for the first time in about five years. I’ve always enjoyed that show, seeing all the packaging machinery and conveyors operating, watching the pneumatics and motion control technologies do what they do best. But I…
August 2023 Issue: Keep safety in check with this critical component
It’s the age of the digital centaur — are you on board? At last week’s NFPA IEOC, one of the most interesting presentations was not an economic talk at all. Instead, “Technology Frontiers” by Scott Klososky, a renowned futurist, delved into the popular (and somewhat controversial) topic of AI. Less than a year ago, AI…
July 2023 Issue: 2023 Fluid Power Handbook
Staying relevant through times of change Welcome to the 12th edition of the Fluid Power Handbook. This year, we’ve rewritten several articles, including those on hydraulic hose, fittings and couplings, hydraulic motors, and more. We’ve also added new technical sidebars with frequently asked questions, sizing, and specification tips in every category as we are continually…
June 2023 Issue: Variable-displacement hydraulics packs a punch in mulchers
Fluid power is at its best when experienced first-hand Earlier this year, both my middle school daughters had opportunities to see fluid power in action — and build their own devices powered by it. It was truly an eye-opening experience for them, and they were excited to be enmeshed in my world in a tiny…
April 2023 Issue: CONEXPO goes electric
IFPE is proof positive that our industry is flourishing My big takeaway after 2-½ days on the IFPE show floor (plus a couple of hours on the CONEXPO-CON/AGG lots), was simply, WOW. The energy and vibe that lived in the South Hall last month was electric (pun intended, with all the talk about mobile electrification).…
February 2023 Issue: 2023 IFPE coverage
Keeping pace with the innovators As we gear up for IFPE 2023 and all that comes with it, it’s good to know we’ll still be riding a positive wave throughout this year. Although many economists have warned of a softening in the fluid power market, so far that softening has been just that — soft.…
January 2023 Issue: IFPE & CONEXPO/CON-AGG Coverage
Leading in a changing industry As we prepare to head to Las Vegas in March for IFPE and CONEXPO-CON/AGG, it’s clear to see we’re at a crossroads in our industry. Mobile electrification, digitalization, and autonomy are all changing the way mobile machinery is controlled and powered. Fluid power needs to be there leading these changes.…
December 2022 Issue: Sustainable machinery designs from Bauma
The future is sustainable and it’s here to stay Last month, organizers for CONEXPOCON/ AGG and IFPE announced that a key focus of the 2023 events will be on next levels of sustainability in construction, highlighting the many aspects of the shows designed to ensure a sustainable future. This is a reflection of an industry…
October 2022 Issue: Hydraulic cylinders shoot for the moon
Robots, cobots, pneumatics, and the future At the National Fluid Power Association’s recent International Economic Outlook Conference, Donna Ritson of DDR Communications shared results of an industry survey done for PMMI that looks at the future of robots and cobots for automation. Ritson’s firm had discussions with the leading robot manufacturers, robot suppliers, and integrators…
August 2022 Issue: Home run hydraulics
Bidding a sad farewell to a friend and legend It was a sad day on June 22, when word came from the Milwaukee School of Engineering that Tom Wanke, CFPE, director of the Fluid Power Industrial Consortium and Industry Relations, had passed away unexpectedly the day before. As a young editor at the beginning of…
July 2022 Issue: 2022 Fluid Power Handbook
Always growing, always educating Welcome to the 11th edition of the fluid power handbook. This year, we’ve incorporated new content on pneumatic actuators, hydraulic valves, hose and more. We’ve also added new technical sidebars with frequently asked questions, sizing and specification tips and more. Fluid power systems are comprised of components that include pumps, cylinders,…
June 2022 Issue: Sorting out auxiliary hydraulics
Are hydrogen fuel cells the future for mobile machines? Prioritizing decarbonization is, without doubt, one that most countries agree with almost pure unanimity. Here, in the U.S., the Biden administration has a goal to eliminate carbons from the electric grid system by 2035. Globally, most countries are on similar timelines. But, looking ahead to 2050,…
April 2022 Issue: Considerations for offshore oil & gas
Ensuring an engaged, educated fluid power workforce Since the pandemic started, there has been many a cry about the skilled worker shortage in industrial manufacturing and engineering. To be fair, as the Baby Boomer generation has come closer and closer to retirement in full, there has already been great concern over who will take over…
February 2022 Issue: Grippers raise food-processing efficiency, sustainability
Getting back to in-person with FPTC 2022 If there’s one thing I’ve always said about fluid power, it’s that I love the people I work with daily, both in my own circle of employment but also within the companies I cover on a regular basis. In 17 years writing about hydraulics and pneumatics, I’ve had…
December 2021 Issue: Direct drives tackle rugged marine applications
A refreshing — and useful — change I’m the first to admit I struggle with change. When something works and it’s already good, I become frustrated when the powers that be feel the need to change things. But change can be welcome. Change that will help others is never a bad thing. But changing just…
October 2021 Issue: Minexpo emphasizes innovation, efficiency.
When the manufacturing workforce has the upper hand This past August in suburban Chicago, John Manzella, of the Manzella Report, spoke on “Labor, International Trade, and What’s Ahead” at the annual NFPA International Economic Outlook Conference. One of the issues he touched on was the current labor shortage. He explained that we have job openings…
August 2021 Issue: Achieve a greener packaging line
Getting smaller and bigger all at once Lately, it seems a month doesn’t go by where I’m not receiving some news about a merger and acquisition in the industry. Sometimes, it’s one small distributor or repair shop acquiring another to expand their reach. And others, it is the big players getting even bigger. Unless you’ve…